Please follow the instructions in the video, or the step-by-step guide below
Do not change the account email, doing so will result in a locked game, and you won't be able to play it anymore.
Do not deactivate or change the account 2-step settings, doing so will result in a locked game, and you won't be able to play it anymore.
Do not delete the account, doing so will result in a locked game, and you won't be able to play it anymore.
Do not deactivate the account, doing so will result in a locked game, and you won't be able to play it anymore.
The account can be activated ONLY ON ONE PS4. We are not responsible if you already activated it on another PS5 before.
Step 1. Hold PS button > [Log Out of PS4] Step 2. Click [New User] > [Create a User] > [Accept] > [Next] Step 3. Send a photo of the QR code in correspondence with the seller if you cannot upload a photo, write the 6-digit code below the QRStep 4. Enter the PlayStation Store, scroll down and select [Library] START downloading everything that interests you Step 5. Sign out of the purchased account / Hold PS button > [Log Out of PS4], you do not have to wait for the downloads to complete Step 6. Finish downloading the game/s on your OWN personal account. You can cheсk progress at [Notifications] > [Downloads] you can Play the game on your personal account. Do not remove game or account from your PS4 if you still need the game to be playable!!! – do NOT change anything on the account.